Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Reborn Baby Dolls Samples & Freebies

Reborn Dolls Samples & Freebies
I had this brilliant idea to get baby samples and how fun it has been.

So firstly go to baby products and brands and start emailing companies, via the contact form, email or Facebook. You can get baby wipes, soap, nappies, creams, you name it you can probably get samples of it. Get a newborn checklist and find samples of the products, or look at my checklist. (If in Australia) go to to see what samples and freebies I have got so far.

Ask like this:

I was wondering if you offer samples on your products.
Thanks so much.

(Your initial or nickname)

(Full Name)

(Postal address)

(Mobile or home phone number)

You may have already filled the form in with these details but have something like this to copy and paste for each company is much easier they retyping it all over again. It is also good if you have auto fill for the form as well much easier much quicker.
Note: Do say if you’re expecting or have twins (Not necessary for you unless you have twin reborns LOL).
Note: If they say no or yes to samples always write back a thank you email.

If the company writes back and say yes that’s fantastic write back and say how excited you are, if they don’t say yes still write back and say thank you anyway.

When you receive your samples always write the company back and say thank you to them. Like this:


Writing to say the samples arrived.

What wonderful products and thank you so much.

(Your initals)

Most of the things you will receive will be of some use to you, either for your reborn, or the nappy bag but something’s will have no purpose for you such as:

Baby formula
Baby food pouches
Breast pads

With the formula you could put it in a sealed container into the baby bag (Not for use within the baby bottle follow my formula guide instead)
Baby food pouches and breast pads could be donated to the right source of given to family and friends. I actually kept a few of baby food pouches and intend to donate the rest to food bank. 

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