Wednesday, 10 June 2015

More About My Reborn Baby Blog

Welcome To Reborn Me Baby Blog,

My name is Mary-Joy Hutchin,
I am 18 and from Australia.
I have loved dolls since I was a little girl, caring and nurturing is within us,
I was given many dolls but my most favourite two are Gemma who I’ve had for four years (2015) and Alex who I’ve have had 1 year in November this year (2015). There is also Eleanor which I got in April 2015.

Gemma is a lots of cuddles doll which Mum got me from Target, she has a lopsided smile and off set eyes giving her the real effect of a real baby.

Alex is a reborn baby with painted veins and real looking skin. His expression is a sleep, and is very cute and has fooled many people.

Eleanor is a my friend Cayla doll I got her in April 2015, she talks and is aged seven.

The best things about reborn dolls or dolls sized like a new born baby is you can easily buy clothes for them. And that is exactly what I’ve done.

This blog is not just about my dolls although they will be a big part of it,
I’ll write tips and hints, and checklist, and ideas and how to make your very own baby bottle formula without heating glue!

This is for and inspired by my beauties Gemma, Alex & Eleanor.

 I'll include their stories as well.

Please enjoy this blog.

Also I'll post links to their facebook pages and the reborn me baby blog facebook page also (Stay tuned)


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