Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Reborn Baby Bag Checklist

Reborn Baby Bag Checklist

To fill your baby bag check out my Reborn Baby Samples Posts:
When you have your samples make sure to fill your baby bag with the following:

Note: I do not suggest to use any of the items listed below on your reborn dolls skin, hair face, neck, arms, legs, anything, except for the nappies of course. The things listed could be harmful to your reborn babies plastic. To bath or clean your reborn baby please see the post for it.

Baby wipes
Baby bath wash
Baby oil
Baby nappy cream
Hand sanitiser
Face washer
Small toothbrush and toothpaste (Good for long journeys)
Nappies (disposal and cloth)
Change mat (I currently have 1 disposable one I may try and find a new reusable one)
Nappy liners
Disposal nappy bags
Baby food, milk powder in a container and food pouches
Spoon, fork, knife and bowl

If your interested for what I have in my doll collection I will go through it all and give you an idea of what I have.

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