Wednesday, 24 June 2015

My Important Reborn Doll Dates

My Important Reborn Doll Dates

10th Feb 2011 Gemma’s Birthday
17th of April 2015 Got Eleanor
25th of May 2011 Got Gemma
October 9th 2007 Got Eleanor
17th of November 2014 Alex Birthday
19th of November 2014 Got Alex

Monday, 22 June 2015

Alex travelling and sleeping in

Doll Things

Doll Things

Some doll items can be useful for your doll, I had old doll bottles which I added to Gemma’s play box as toys fancy that.

Small toys can very useful for them and quite cute, not just baby toys either.

At our Woolworths I got some animal cards and I made books, and I’ve got tiny toys for them, which is a cute thing for them to have during the day. I imagine they get bored and need entertainment to.

I used to give Gemma my Nintendo dogs game to watch like a movie. But back onto doll things, I’m so thankful Gemma and Alex fit into newborns clothes its so hard to find dolls clothes second hand and doll clothes new properly cost more then newborns clothes!

So us people with dolls that fit newborns clothes are laughing.

Sunday, 21 June 2015

Post tonight

Sorry there was no Friday update I've written posts for this week which will go on tonight hopefully, Wednesday and Friday

Thursday, 18 June 2015

Baby chains for Alex and Gem

A nice secure way to keep Alex and Gems dummie attached to their clothes with cute little designs to

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Reborn Baby Care: Bath Time

Reborn Baby Care: Bath Time
I don’t suggest you submerge or wash your reborn doll in any way unless full plastic, silicone and no material at all.

If your reborn doll is plastic I suggest a dry face washer for eyes and cleaning dust just like a polish you don’t want to put soaps or anything onto the surface that may wreck or harm simple is the best without to much fuss.

If your reborn doll has hair like mine does could you put a touch of water upon it and dry gently with a towel (I don’t recommend it but you could try it without soaps of course) I wouldn’t blow dry Alex’s hair its to thin for that, Gemma doesn’t have hair, I have straightened Eleanor’s hair in the past but haven’t washed it yet, I would probably use hand soap and just rinse it well dry it well and may blow dry it I’ll have to try it because Eleanor does have things inside her cause she talks I’d have to be very careful if cleaning her hair or body, I’d re do her hair with hair bands, or pins and tie it back with hair ties.

Gemma had a few knocks on her hair and you could see her black painted on plastic hair was not looking so good, so I took a permanent marker and coloured the black back on you won’t notice now.

Gemma and I have drawn together with pens, pencils and crayons be very careful getting it on their plastic skin. L if you do water and a good scrub should save them they do love getting in and doing things with you. Your doll even though you don’t mean to may fall or be dropped occasionally they need a good hug their pacifier possibly a toy they’ll be fine.

So I hope my guide to cleaning and maintaining your doll helps you.


Friday, 12 June 2015

New updated photos

My beauties 

Reborn Baby Care: Routine

Reborn Baby Care: Routine

Your dolls like to sleep in just like you do so I dress my dolls after I eat breakfast and have a cuppa before I start housework and writing,

And I undress in the evenings before bed.

Your reborn is just like you in some ways, :D, they sleep, like to play and have adventures.

I try and dress and undress Gemma and Alex daily, Eleanor doesn’t have that option yet as I haven’t made or got Eleanor clothes cause she’s hard to dress and not the common baby size.

Alex and Gemma have clothes for the season, Pj’s and at home clothes so they have an option just like I do when I get dressed in many ways.

If you like to change your day throughout the day that’s really lovely :D.

I tend to dress for the day and dress for the night.
I leave them in my room or somewhere around the house and give them their toys or books.

When they go to sleep I give them their teddies and play my sample lullaby CD, I fold and put away their clothes and then re do the choosing the next day, the best thing you can do is have options when dressing them so they are dress according to the weather it makes it much funner to shop and dress them I think.

I don’t pretend to feed them though I use to put Gemma at the table with her fake food and all when we ate our meal.

I do wipe down their eyes and stuff to get rid of dust but you can read my post on that if you like.

So that’s my routine I hope you like it.


Thursday, 11 June 2015


Posts will be on Mondays,Wednesdays and Fridays.

Pictures will ALSo be posted on the reborn me baby facebook page.


Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Reborn Baby Create It: Books

Reborn Baby Create It: Books

Sure you can go and buy books and stories at your local thrift shop, but for me nothing is my fun then making my own,

Get three A4 Piece of paper or more depending on the book you’d like to make.
IF you want to make it (Age appropriate for your reborn, think of their age)
If they are a newborn you could make short stories up, or copy rhymes and riddles of the net to read to them.

So get your three A4 piece of paper and fold them in half and half (All three together) and then staple the side which you can’t open the longest side where the fold is :D then get a knife that doesn’t cut (You’ll notice they are pages are all bunched together up the top and won’t open) cut every page to get more pages then be creative, (Staple before hand or it will fall apart!) By bunching the pages on top of each other together and cutting them you get more pages and use less paper.

BTW I’ll include pictures of this also.

Get your pencil, pens, crayons and create picture books, numbers, opposites and positive and negatives anything you like store them with a rubber band around them:

For inspirational ideas I’ll list some of the books I’ve made for my dolls:

Eleanor scrapbook
Maths and numbers
Reading stories for seven year olds 
Spelling and abc 
Poetry and rhymes 
Sticker story prince and princess 
The fruit alphabet
Vegetable alapahet 
Colours and textures 
Chocolate Charlie with caramel Charlotte and the doggie bone 
A caterpillar story 
Letters of the alphabet 
Abc numbers and shapes 
Picture and word book 
Animal book 
Animal alphabet 
Boy and girl stories  

The Pictures:

Pic 1: Get three pieces of A4 Paper

Pic 2: Put the three pieces of A4 Paper on top of each other 

Pic 3: Fold in half so top to bottom

Pic 4: Fold in half again so left to right

Pic 5: Staple along the longest side

Pic 5: You’ll notice the pages are bunched together up the top and it won’t open so it isn’t a book yet until you complete the next step

Pic 6: You need a knife, which doesn’t cut with a smooth flat knifey part 

Pic 7: Put you knife in between two pieces of paper that are stuck and slice upwards until it tears and the page is free to open and close

Pic 8: You should then be able to open the first page continue step seven until all pages are not bunched

Pic 9: they should now be free to open

Step 10: Get creative and bring your book to life.